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How does the probate process work?

While the process varies by state, the following is a simplified overview:

  1. The original will is delivered to the local probate court.
  2. A notice of the Petition for Probate is published in a local newspaper.
  3. The personal representative files a formal petition to probate the estate.
  4. Creditors are allowed a specified period to file claims against the estate.
  5. The personal representative identifies, gathers, and secures the estate’s assets.
  6. Assets are maintained, and necessary expenses are paid.
  7. The personal representative may liquidate some assets to pay creditors.
  8. After all claims are settled, the personal representative files a final petition for asset distribution.
  9. The court approves the petition, and the personal representative distributes the assets as directed by the will or court.

Common Questions

Probate typically takes about six months but can take longer due to various factors, such as locating heirs, contested wills, unsettled claims, or difficulties in selling property.

Probate is required to transfer the legal title of the decedent’s property to the heirs, ensure taxes are paid, set a deadline for creditors to file claims, and provide a legal method for distributing the estate’s property.

Not necessarily. Certain assets may transfer directly to beneficiaries without probate, such as those held in joint tenancy, payable-on-death accounts, life insurance policies, and assets in a living trust.

Probate costs can range from 3% to 7% of the estate’s total value, including appraisal costs, executor fees, court costs, surety bonds, and legal and accounting fees. Costs can be higher if the will is contested.

While not legally required, using a probate lawyer is advisable due to the formalistic and complex nature of the process. Minor omissions or missed deadlines can cause significant delays and liabilities.

The personal representative's duties include determining probate assets, gathering and inventorying assets, paying debts and taxes, handling paperwork, and distributing the remaining property according to the will.

Yes, a personal representative can decline to serve or resign after accepting. The court will appoint an alternate representative if necessary.

Usually, personal representatives are compensated, often around 2% of the estate’s value, subject to court approval.

A personal representative who fails to perform their duties may be held personally liable for any damages caused by their negligence or improper actions.

A will contest involves challenging the validity of a will based on improper execution, lack of mental capacity, fraud, or undue influence. Contesting a will requires legal standing and sufficient evidence.

If a person dies intestate, the court appoints an administrator to manage the estate’s distribution according to state law.

If a will is missing, the court may accept a photocopy or earlier version if its validity can be proven. Otherwise, the estate is handled according to intestate succession laws.

To avoid probate, consider using a living trust, joint tenancy, payable-on-death accounts, or other estate planning tools that allow direct transfer of assets to beneficiaries.

Creditors are notified as part of the probate process and have a fixed period to file claims. Approved claims are paid from the estate, while rejected claims may require litigation.

Generally, no. Beneficiaries are not personally liable for the deceased’s debts unless they assumed liability or received property fraudulently.

Death triggers the need for final income tax returns for the decedent and tax returns for the estate. The personal representative must file necessary federal, state, and local tax returns and pay any taxes due.

Yes, a will can be modified by creating a codicil or drafting a new will. Competency and adherence to legal requirements are necessary for any modifications.

Yes, but the court has final authority in appointing guardians based on the best interests of the child.

Yes, but courts can void inappropriate provisions and enforce legal rights and claims.

Yes, but appointing co-representatives can cause complications. It is usually best to appoint a single representative unless there is a specific reason for co-representation.

Not usually, but it can be more convenient for managing the estate.

Joint tenancy with right of survivorship bypasses probate, as the surviving owner automatically inherits the property.

This is typically a movie scenario. The personal representative provides notice of probate to interested parties, who can obtain a copy of the will.

Yes, if allowed by state law, as it allows for easier updates without changing the will.

Generally, a will must be handwritten or printed, signed by the testator, and witnessed by disinterested parties. Additional state-specific requirements may apply.

The estate is distributed according to state intestacy laws, which provide a default distribution plan.

It is advisable to create a will as soon as you have assets or dependents to ensure your wishes are followed.

While you can draft your own will, it is advisable to consult an attorney to ensure it meets all legal requirements and avoids potential issues.

Glossary of Important Probate Terminology

Probate is the legal process that takes place after someone dies, ensuring their last will and testament is validated and their wishes for the distribution of their personal property are carried out. This process involves the legal certification of the deceased’s final written directives regarding their possessions, including any real estate. Probate also confirms the appointment of a person or entity selected to administer the estate. Often, the term "probate" refers to the entire process of administering and distributing the estate’s assets, paying outstanding debts, taxes, and administrative expenses before distributing the remaining assets to the designated beneficiaries.

A probate court, sometimes referred to as a surrogate court, specializes in matters pertaining to the probate and administration of deceased persons' estates. These courts ensure proper administration and distribution of a decedent’s assets, validate wills, enforce their provisions, and address disputes regarding the estate. Depending on the jurisdiction, probate matters may be handled by different types of courts, such as chancery courts or courts of equity.

A Personal Representative, also known as an Executor (male) or Executrix (female), is designated in the will to administer the estate and handle the distribution of its assets according to the will’s provisions. If no will exists, the court appoints an administrator. The personal representative’s duties include identifying and securing assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries.

JTWROS is a form of property ownership where all joint owners have equal shares that automatically transfer to the remaining owners upon the death of one owner.

Testate refers to a person who has died leaving a valid will.

Intestate refers to a person who has died without leaving a valid will.

A codicil is an addition or amendment to an existing will, modifying or adding new provisions without redrawing the entire document.

Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and cannot provide legal or tax advice. Please consult with an attorney or CPA for such matters. If you need help finding providers for these or any other related services, I can provide recommendations and references.

Kenneth M.
Sean Joyce
Jill K.
A spacious colonial house with a manicured lawn and mature trees.
Rachel N.
Reina Valdez
Michael S.
John Smith
Lewis Davidson
Leslie G.
Jason Scott
Kathy Cain
Katie Hollie
Donna Raphael
Daisy and Thomas Burton
George Gonzalez
Loraine Budge
Leslie Grimm
Donald and Elizabeth Mack
David and Mary Gigliotti
A modern dining room with a modern table and chairs. There is a swimming pool visible through the windows behind the table.
Jim Carney

Debra is very responsive. I was a difficult case, but we got the job done in this difficult market. I am getting a divorce, which makes the financing more difficult. Not only that, I really did not know what I wanted. Yet, we figured it out along the way. Made a good bid as a potential buyer backed out and I filled that spot due to Debra. So in reality she should be a 9 rather than a 8. My personality do...

— Kenneth M.


Debra went above and beyond to ensure that we found the right house for our family and that we were informed throughout the whole process. She puts her client's interests/needs above her own and really goes the extra mile to make you feel comfortable throughout the home buying process. I would definitely recommend her to anyone looking to buy/sell a home in the WA.

— Sean Joyce


We enjoyed our time with Debra very much. She was personable, professional, and knowledgeable about the areas in which we searched. She made herself available several days and we did an exhaustive search of the homes available. We are looking forward to moving into our new home soon!

— Jill K.


Debra was wonderful! She made a very stressful process (buying from out-of-state, sight-unseen (except over FaceTime)) as pleasant as possible. She was knowledgeable, warm, reassuring, competent, and calming. Would definitely recommend and work with her again!

— Shannon Johnson


Debra was very professional and has several years experience as an agent. I had a very positive experience working with her and have suggested her to several of my friends looking for homes.

— Rachel N.


Deb is honest and very professional yet gives me a comfort that because she has many years of experience. It's my second time asking her to represent us.

— Reina Valdez


What we liked about Deb was her availability, accessibility, honesty, knowledgebase, and friendliness. Amazing asset to your real estate company!

— Michael S.


She is great to work with and knows how to best take care of her customers!

— John Smith


Very easy to deal with remotely. I did all my transaction remote.

— Lewis Davidson


She worked very hard for me again. Debra is very knowledgeable and has saved me money when purchasing properties. She equally worked hard and got me top dollar for the properties I sold. She’s my “go-to” Realtor!

— Leslie G.


Deb was so amazing!!!! She really helped me find the perfect home! She succeeded where others failed!!!!

— Jason Scott


Debra was amazing to work with! She found us the perfect house and fought hard to get us a good price. We would definitely recommend her to anyone buying a house and look forward to working with her again when the time comes.

— Kathy Cain


Debra is a boss woman! She knows how to get the deal done. She is a great advocate, listened to our needs and wants, and helped us find our perfect first home. She was always available for us and answered any questions we had. She is very knowledgeable. She worked great with the selling agent. She is professional and diligent. She informed us step by step during the process. I totally recommend her!!

— Katie Hollie


Debra Truelove was a joy to work with and oftentimes went over and above to help us navigate through this tough market. We wish we had another home to sell and utilize her talents.

— Donna Raphael


My husband & I recently hired Debra Truelove to sell our home in Lacey, Washington. She was awesome and got our home sold within two weeks. She went above and beyond making sure our home was listed on every platform. She communicated with us well every step of the way. If you need your home handled by a real professional, contact Debra.

— Daisy and Thomas Burton


Debra was outstanding throughout our whole home-buying process. She was knowledgeable, responsive, and very easy to work with. I would highly recommend her and we would definitely use her again.

— George Gonzalez


Debra helped me get a condo that was in high demand. Her knowledge, expertise, and advice helped me not only get the place I wanted but also gave me the guidance I needed to outbid many other potential buyers. She is amazing; I couldn’t have done it without her as my Realtor. She also helped me sell my home and did a great job. I highly recommend Debra if you’re looking for a Realtor to help you with eve...

— Loraine Budge


Debra is very knowledgeable and has saved me money when purchasing properties. She also worked really hard and got me top dollar for the properties I have sold. She’s my “go-to” Realtor!

— Leslie Grimm


Debra is exceptional, and we had an incredible experience. As my Realtor, she sold my condo within two months in a very tough market.

— Donald and Elizabeth Mack


Debra is professional, knowledgeable, and provides the highest level of customer service. We have worked with and known her for over six years, and she will continue to tirelessly search for what is best for her clients. She truly loves her role as your representative and will ensure you are covered with all home purchase or sale aspects. We can highly (strongly) recommend Debra as your purchasing or sel...

— David and Mary Gigliotti


Debra is a fantastic real estate agent and an all around amazing person. She communicated with us throughout the whole home buying process and made sure that our questions and concerns were taken care of in a timely manner. I would recommend her to anyone looking to find the perfect home, and I would use her services again if it weren't for the fact that she already helped us find the perfect home. Than...

— Michael Darger


We were first-time homebuyers and had an absolutely excellent experience with Debra from start to finish. We were moving from California (during COVID-19), and Debra went the extra mile for us (no pun intended!). From the beginning, she visited prospective homes and sent us video tours. This was so helpful for us while we were 3,000 miles away. We did end up driving to Washington, and Debra showed us s...

— Anonymous


To whom it may concern I am unsure how I ended up working with Debra Truelove, but I am glad I did. My two sons and their grandchildren live in Washington, and after retiring in California, I felt it was time to move closer to my family so I could enjoy watching the kids grow up. I had the VA available to help me with my down payment and closing costs. We looked at several places and put in an offer, b...

— Jim Carney

Glossary & Frequently Asked Questions About Probate Issues

Click on any of the terms or questions below for more detail regarding a specific issue or question.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that the information on this page is delivered without warranty or guarantee of accuracy. It is provided to help you learn more and formulate specific questions to discuss with your attorney and/or your Real Estate Professional and/or to assist a personal representative, executor, or executrix in executing their challenging responsibilities. By accessing this page, you acknowledge that it has been provided for informational purposes only and that any decisions regarding probate issues should be discussed with an attorney and/or a Real Estate Professional.

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